مرسيدس w203 c320 m112

1 month ago




Color Silver
warranty Yes
Year 2003


CD Player Yes
Front airbags Yes
Side airbags Yes
Anti-lock brakes / ABS Yes
Cruise control Yes
Double Exhaust Pipe Yes
Air Conditioning Works
FM Radio Yes
Satellite Radio Yes
Bluetooth System Yes
Sunroof No
Aux Audio Input Yes
Navigation system No
Seat heating Yes
Electric Seats Yes
Leather Seats Yes
Electric Mirrors Yes
Back Camera No
Driving side Left side
Body type
Seller type Owner
accident free Yes
Car Condition Report used
Regional Specs European Specs
fuel type Gasoline
transfer type Automatic
Horse power 60+ HP
No. of Cylinders 6
Doors 4 door
Kilometers Other


مرسيدس كاكاويه c320

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مرسيدس w203 c320 m112

1 month ago



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